How to Trust the Process

How to Trust the Process

You hear the phrase all the time, trust the process. But what does it really mean? When things don’t go your way, and you don’t get the results you want, the process makes you unhappy. In order to trust the process, you need to find a way that gives you what you want with the least amount of resistance. The issue here is that not everything is in your control. 

Trusting the process is about relaxing and enjoying the present moment and believing that you will be okay despite the circumstances. Everyone is rushing to get things done, get to the top, but most fail to realize that done or the top is just a mindset. We all want to get to the top, but getting to the top is where the joy in life is experienced. 

Think about it; when you achieve one goal, you are onto the next. Wanting more and more is normal. But do you think you will ever be satisfied? Once you realize what you want and know that more is possible, you will keep going for bigger and bigger dreams. Trusting the process is about understanding the journey is helping you get to where you want to go.

So what is the process?

The process is what life is about. Trusting the process is not about your goals; it is about paying attention to what is happening at all times. Sometimes what you think you want is less than you think you need. The process is where you discover your value. It is where you overcome the things that hold you back from achieving what you want or the goals you have set. The process is about learning who you are and what you are capable of. 

Most people fear the process because no one wants to learn the hard way. No one wants to get hurt. Growing pains are unavoidable, but when you trust the process, you can minimize the harmful exposure you can experience. 

How do you trust the process?

Develop your resilience.

Remember, no matter what happens, life teaches you something to move onto the next level. Yes, adversity will happen, but the faster you face and learn the lesson, the more equipped you will be to move on. Not everything is in your control, and change is the only constant. Resilient people surrender to uncertainty. Finding the purpose in your setback helps you focus on solutions and not problems. It is the most important part of trusting the process.

Embrace your unknown.

We all want to understand, find reasons for our experiences, or take control. Occasionally we can make no sense of where we are and where we should go. When you cannot predict your future, you will have to live life moment to moment, until the answers are made clear. Sometimes a moment of uncertainty is created for you to step back and decide on what you want. This is another part of the process. Getting clear on where you want to go comes from the moments of the unknown.

Focus on what makes you happy.

When you are in doubt about your future or what you want, put your energy into what makes you happy. Don’t know what makes you happy? Make the time to discover it. Finding what makes you feel good is like a compass to what will bring you success, more than you can imagine. Pursuing your joy will help you find your purpose. Finding your purpose is part of the process.

Practice gratitude.

How you see the twists and turns in your life can make or break who you are. Remember, the process is about becoming who you need to be to achieve the success you want. Dwelling on regrets will leave you feeling depleted and unmotivated. Learning from past mistakes can empower you to create bigger and better. Gratitude for all experiences is part of the process that keeps you always moving forward. 

Life will always challenge you, and that is what it is about. When you trust the process, you release the grip of control that allows you to flow better with it, not against it. Appreciate where you are and how far you have traveled. Keep learning, and you will keep winning. 

Try one of the Commanding Life Journals, they can help you learn to trust your process. 

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Keep going my friend, finding what feels good will empower you to live the life you desire.

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