How Grace Broke Through and Commanded Her Life

How Grace Broke Through and Commanded Her Life

Hello Lifers,

We all love a transformation story, and boy do we have one for you. We want you to meet Grace, she originally bought her journal in 2018 and it changed her life. She asked if we would share her testimonial with you all, in hopes of helping anyone who is needing it today. 🙏 Here’s Grace’s story. 🤗

The end of 2018 was the hardest couple months of my life. I’d given my power away and relied on someone else for my happiness. And that wasn’t fair to me or that person. The end of 2018 forced me to face a lot of stuff I’d been avoiding, and propelled me to take a scary, up and down, joyful, empowering journey. ⁣

During that time, days when I honestly didn’t know if I’d make it — I found the Commanding Life journal. I know that might sound dramatic, but I was mentally lost, scrolling on Instagram and randomly came across the journal. A power bigger than me was at play that day and I will always be grateful that it was. I ordered a journal that day, knowing nothing about the company and my life has never been the same. Instead of waking up to a man I loved, I woke up to that journal and truly started a love affair with myself. One day at a time, I was comforted by its messages, and learned to use gratitude to find my joy again. I don’t say this lightly, this journal saved my life.⁣

I’m so happy to be able to say that 2019 will forever be the year I look at with gratitude and pride. In 2019 I took my power back. I learned how to fill up my own cup with love and that relying on someone else for my happiness isn’t sustainable. Commanding Life helped me learn how to go inside, to sit with what scared me, and to overcome it all. 2019 was a year I was in a complicated relationship with myself, where I finally learned to let go and trust — and where I learned letting go and trusting isn’t a destination, it’s a practice that I must work on daily. This journal is my how. ⁣

If you’re at all feeling stuck, anxious, unsure, scared — order this journal! I promise you it will change your life. Thank you Commanding Life — I am forever grateful! ⁣

✅ Create YOUR story grab a journal 👉 Use code LOVE for 15% Savings 🙏- ⁣⁣⁣👉 Click Here

Please support & follow her on Instagram to learn more about her story.👉 @gracemgoodman 👏👏.

P.S. If you would like to share your Commanding Life Transformation story, let us know. Email us at

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