Focus on Where Your Energy is Going. #2222

Focus on Where Your Energy is Going. #2222

If you are continually being reminded to stay present, but at the same time, you are trying to focus on creating your future, finding the balance to do both can be difficult.  With so many things requiring your attention daily, where your concentration goes determines what potentially happens. So how do you maintain who you are while creating what you want?

There is no point in dwelling on the past and letting it keep defining you. When you are present, you can activate the infinite possibilities for yourself. How you engage who you are in the present will direct where you go in life. Yes, it is possible to master your ability and find symmetry between what you need now and what you are creating for tomorrow.  Here are a few essential tips to help you focus on what you are building and still stay committed to working on who you are.

Check-in with yourself often.

How you feel determines what you create. This is why it is important to check in with your emotional wellbeing. Think about it; when you are unhappy, it isn't easy to create joy or enthusiasm. When you are overwhelmed, it is difficult to develop solutions. Emotions can dictate what you generate.

Focus on satisfaction.

Many people are goal-oriented, and that keeps them focused on results. Yes, some tasks are mundane and necessary, but it is vital to find a positive emotion as you work toward your dreams. To do this, seek the satisfaction that comes from working on what you want and be grateful for opportunities to work on your solutions. If what you are doing brings you closer to the happiness you want, this will bring you joy.

Acknowledge your progress.

While you work on your dreams, you must find moments to acknowledge, celebrate, and embrace your progress. Being grateful for how far you have advanced will help you maintain who you are. It is easy to get distracted, only focusing on manifestations, but being that single-minded keeps you from enjoying the miracles on the journey. The concentration on progress will keep you going when you feel unmotivated. 

Accept your responsibility for your happiness.

You control your energy; accept responsibility for your overall wellbeing. Your emotional, physical, and spiritual health is your own to manage. Make the time daily to connect and align with these three aspects of yourself. Only you can maintain a healthy balance with who you are and where you are going.  You are the one capable of giving yourself everything that you need and dream of. You are important, and you deserve a lot. You are solely responsible for your joy and liberation. You are meant to do all and have all. Now go after your ALL.

Try one of the Commanding Life Journals, they can help you stay positive and focused on the balance in your life.  

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Keep going my friend, finding what feels good will empower you to live the life you desire.

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